Around the World in 4 Symbolic Animals

5 tips to succesfully prepare homeschooling while traveling.

The desire to travel has never been greater. The global pandemic is pushing us to think differently about our lifestyles and choices.Encouraged by technological and digital developments, many parents are considering the idea of homeschooling their children. This idea is often coupled with the desire to travel as a family, far and wide. These parents, […]

Elise Cabane

Halloween in Scotland: Unknown myths and legends

Scotland is a land of extraordinary landscapes and magnificent, sometimes remote castles. But it is also a unique culture and folklore. It is around Halloween that this folklore is most evident in Scotland. Indeed, fascinated by fright, the Scots have fully embraced the spirit of this festival. Encouraged by the influx of tourists, the Scots […]

Elise Cabane

Another vision of business travel with Elstarecon E&C ‘s wine seminars

What if a business trip would rhyme with teambuilding and discovery? As a precious ally of professional meals, wine can also be the star of your next teambuilding event. In order to travel in a committed and original way, let's discover the oeno-seminars of our Flockeo Partner Elstarecon E&C. This agency takes care of the organization of events. It is human-sized groups putting forward practice its eco-responsible values. In France or abroad, the creation of wines is full of unsuspected treasures, come and taste them with us!


Discover Eastern Poland by bike: the Green Velo Szlak.

Poland is a mysterious country, relatively unknown. To discover it, the country has an incredible cycle path, the Green Velo Zslack of nearly 1,880 km that crosses the primary forests of Europe, from the north to the south of the country.

Elise Cabane

Why We Should Cook and Eat Insects

Let’s talk about insects! For Western cultures, cooking and eating insects is considered off-putting. However, in other regions such as Africa and Asia, bugs have been part of the diet for a long time. But things are changing. We are starting to see how consuming insects, as a source of proteins instead of meat, might […]

Elise Cabane