Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Published posts

The impact of COVID-19 on the waters of Venice

Context April 2020, the coronavirus continues to spread around the world like a gust of wind. Hotbeds of contamination are multiplying, cases of disease number in the hundreds of thousands, the world economy is spatially and temporally frozen, humanity is on pause. And while mankind is confined, just about everywhere on the planet, nature is […]

L’impact du COVID-19 sur l’eau de Venise

Contexte Avril 2020 : Depuis maintenant trois semaines, environ 2,63 milliards de personnes sont contraintes de rester chez elles en raison de la pandémie. Ce confinement total, ou partiel (selon les cas), a un impact direct sur l’environnement. Les populations ne sortent plus, ou peu, travailler, les voitures restent dans les garages, les avions décollent […]

Cooking in Asia: Gamja Jorim, Korean-style potatoes

The potato came rather early to East Asia after its ”discovery” by Europeans. At the beginning of the XVIIth century, it was a delicacy at the Chinese emperor’s table. In many regions, it surpassed rice because cultivating it does not require as much water and land, especially in northern and/or drier area. The potato came to […]

Cuisine en Asie: Gamja Jorim, pommes de terre à la coréenne

La pomme de terre est arrivée assez tôt en Asie de l’Est après sa «découverte» par les Européens. Au début du XVIIe siècle, c’était une délicatesse à la table de l’empereur chinois. Dans de nombreuses régions, il a dépassé le riz car sa culture ne nécessite pas autant d’eau et de terres, en particulier dans […]

A Maghreb specialty: the Chicken tagine with potato and preserved lemon

Potatoes have been introduced to Africa during the colonial era. Both regular potatoes and sweet potatoes took hold, despite distrust of this strange food that was growing underground.  In the Maghreb, the potato was well accepted and soon, became part of the local gastronomy. The recipe of chicken tagine with potatoes and lemons is the […]