Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Published posts

Testimony : Amiral Hotel Nantes

Flockeo: Can you introduce yourself and your team, tell us how you are dealing with the current situation and how you see the future? Nadine WITCZAK: Our team is out of the ordinary. Why? Because our institution is independent, and I doubt there are many independent structures left in the city centre of Nantes. Employed […]

Talk with Sonam Wangdi

We had the opportunity to talk with Sonam Wangdi, independent guide in Bhutan. Flockeo: How does the Covid-19 impact your daily life? How do you handle the situation? Sonam Wangdi : Government have sealed the borders and visitors or tourists are not allowed to visit Bhutan anymore. So many of the travel agents are having […]

Témoignages de Sonam Wangdi

Nous avons eu la chance d’échanger avec Sonam Wangdi, guide indépendant au Bhoutan. Flockeo : Comment le Covid-19 impacte votre quotidien ? Comment faites-vous face à la situation actuelle ? Sonam Wangdi : Le gouvernement a fermé les frontières, et plus aucun touriste n’est autorisé à visiter le Bhoutan. De ce fait, de très nombreux agents du voyage […]

COVID-19, diminution du NO2

Contexte Mars 2020, le coronavirus se répand à travers le monde comme un courant d’air. Les foyers de contaminations se multiplient, les cas de maladie se comptent par centaines de milliers, l’économie mondiale est figée spatialement et temporellement, l’humanité est en pause. Et alors que l’Homme se confine, un peu partout sur la planète, la […]

COVID-19, NO2 decrease

Context March 2020, the coronavirus spreads around the world like a wildfire. The outbreaks of contamination are increasing, there are hundreds of thousands of recognized cases, the global economy is stopped spatially and temporally, humankind is frozen. However, in many places in the world, nature has returned and is taking back possession of its property. […]