Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Published posts

Around the World in 4 Symbolic Animals

Humans have used animals as symbols since the dawn of time. After all, they are the closest living beings that link us to nature. In contrast with plants, they move, and interact with us and in some cases, they are our companions. A source of food or danger, a source of wonder, often linked to […]

Le tour du monde avec 4 animaux symboliques

Les animaux ont toujours représentés des symboles phares pour les humains, depuis la nuit des temps. Après tout, ce sont des êtres vivants qui nous relient directement à la nature et à sa puissance. Contrairement aux plantes, les animaux se déplacent, interagissent avec nous et dans certains cas, deviennent même nos compagnons quotidiens. Source de […]

Discover the Czech Republic through its national parks

There are several terrestrial protected areas in the Czech Republic. The mostprotected ones are the national parks, whose flora and fauna are of uniquescientific and educational importance, both internationally and nationally. #1 The Giant Mountains The Giant Mountains National Park13 stretches along the highestmountains in the Czech Republic and includes some of their foothills.Characteristics of […]

Découvrir la république tchèque à travers ses parcs nationaux

Il existe plusieurs aires terrestres protégées en République tchèque. Les plus protégés sont les parcs nationaux dont la faune et la flore revêtent une importance scientifique et éducative unique, tant au niveau international que national. #1 Les monts des géants Le parc national les monts des géants s’étend le long des plus hautes montagnes de la République tchèque […]

Uruguay, a haven of peace for the environment

Located between Brazil and Argentina, along the Rio de la Plata estuary,Uruguay is the smallest Hispanic country in South America… Small yes, butnot lacking resources! For your responsible travel choose Uruguay, a confidential destination, not much coveted by tourists, which makes it an authentic country. This green region is considered to be the land of […]