Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Published posts

Uzbekistan, three legendary cities on the Silk Road

On the Silk Road that connected Asia to Europe, Uzbekistan has kept thevestiges of a culturally very rich era. The historical heritage and the diversity of cultures, that passed through the ages, have left outstanding marks to bediscovered on your way. Our favorites are definitely the 3 hereunder magical places, as they have preserved the […]

Ouzbékistan, trois cités sur la route de la soie

Sur la Route de la Soie qui reliait l’Asie à l’Europe, l’Ouzbékistan a gardé les vestiges d’une époque très riche culturellement. Le patrimoine historique et la diversité des cultures, qui ont vogué à travers les époques, ont laissé des traces remarquables à découvrir lors de l’un de vos prochains voyages. Nos 3 coups de coeur […]

India, the Cradle of Yoga

The growing interest in Yoga in Europe dates back to the 19th century. Thetravels of great writers such as Victor Hugo and other celebrities created acraze for Yoga and Eastern cultures. At that time, Yoga was in perfectharmony with the intellectual and spiritual revival arising in Europe andUnited States. It was a monk philosopher, Swami […]

L’Inde, le berceau du Yoga

L’intérêt grandissant pour le Yoga en Europe date du 19e siècle. Les voyages de grands écrivains comme Victor Hugo et des célébrités de l’époque ont créé un engouement pour le Yoga et les cultures orientales. A l’époque, le yoga s’accorde parfaitement avec le renouveau intellectuel et spirituel qui s’annonce en Europe et aux Etats-Unis. C’est […]

The Maharajas’ Express, a train journey between the Taj Mahal and Jodhpur

Step back in time aboard the Maharajas’ Express, with its ancient scenery, contemplate India’s most beautiful landscapes and experience an unforgettable adventure. Renowned for its maximum comfort and hospitality, you will travel in a royal way! The ultimate in luxury travel in India, the Maharajas’ Express crisscrosses this vast territory with 4 tours. In a […]