Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Published posts

Going down the west coast of Sri Lanka from Jaffna to Matara

Detached from southern India, Sri Lanka is an island country. Bordered by water, its territory offers a great ecological richness. Along the coast from Jaffna to Matara, you will discover religious, wildlife and marine sanctuaries. It will become clear to you why men settled on the coast as the sea has so much to offer […]

Descendre la côte ouest du Sri Lanka de Jaffna à Matara

Détaché du Sud de l’Inde, le Sri Lanka est un pays insulaire. Son territoire bordé par les eaux offre une grande richesse écologique. En longeant la côte de Jaffna à Matara, vous découvrirez des sanctuaires religieux, faunistiques et marins. Vous comprendrez pourquoi les hommes se sont installés sur la côte tant la mer est nourricière. […]

5 magnificent online guided tours to discover

Since March 2020, we have initiated online guided tours to offer you the pleasure and leisure of traveling from home. Like the Flockeo BOOSTs , these virtual tours are a foretaste of travel. . We wanted these moments to be as authentic as possible. One year later, find our selection of 5 magnificent guided tours online to take you on a journey […]

5 magnifiques visites guidées en ligne à découvrir

Depuis mars 2020, nous avons initié des visites guidées en ligne afin de vous offrir le plaisir et le loisir de voyager depuis chez vous. Comme les Flockeo BOOST, ces visites virtuelles sont un avant-goût de voyage.  Nous avons voulu que ces moments soient le plus authentique possible. Un an plus tard, retrouvez notre sélection de […]

5 good reasons for a winter stay in Lanzarote Island

Located in the Canary Islands archipelago, Lanzarote benefits from a subtropical climate. In winter the temperatures are mild, and never drops below 54°F. Its unique landscapes make it a biosphere reserve. These are excellent reasons to explore this beautiful island in winter! But where to start? Here are 5 ideas that will delight you! Enjoy […]