Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Published posts

Suivez la biodiversité en France

La biodiversité est l’ensemble des êtres vivants mais également l’ensemble des relations et interactions entre ces êtres. Présente tant dans les milieux naturels que dans les milieux urbanisés, elle contribue à l’air que nous respirons, aux aliments que nous mangeons, à l’eau que nous buvons. L’activité humaine s’appuient sur elle … pour vivre ! Préservons […]

Follow biodiversity in France

Biodiversity is all living beings but also interactions between these beings. Present in both natural and urbanized environments, it contributes to the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Human activity rely on it! We need to preserve it! The map of biodiversity in France Do you want to discover […]

6 choses à faire au nord-est du Brésil, découvrir le Maranhão

Situé au nord-est du Brésil, l’état du Maranhão est riche de ses paysages culturels et naturels. Sa capitale, São Luís est considérée comme la Lisbonne brésilienne. Sa population a réinventé la danse reggae. Son parc national est un espace naturel unique au brésil ! Vous découvrirez comment toutes ces richesses sont nées en lisant notre […]

6 things to do in the state of Maranhão, discover Northeast of Brazil

Located in the Northeast of Brazil, the state of Maranhão has gorgeous landscapes and stunning culture. Its capital, São Luís is considered the Brazilian Lisbon. Its population has reinvented reggae dance. And its national park is a unique natural space in Brazil! You will discover how all these treasures were created by reading our article. […]

Covid-19, where and how to travel in 2021

Since March 2020, there is a word that best describes travel around the world: uncertainty. Travel restrictions continue to limit movement to help slow the spread of COVID-19 while the list of places travellers can go is constantly changing.  Relatively safer types of travel, such as outdoor travel such as camping, hiking and visits to national […]