Located on the west coast of the Ireland, Galway is famous for its festivals. In the Middles Ages it was ruled by fourteen families of traders. Thus, Galway became a major seaport. Elected European Capital of Culture in 2020, it shines throughout Europe. If there’s a city in the Republic of Ireland that’s more Irish […]
Winter in the mountains is not necessarily all about skiing. The Alps are a trekking and hiking wonderland. Imagine snowy peaks, pine trees blanketed with snow, frozen streams and the soft light of a beautiful wintery sun. And who said hiking was just walking ? Snowshoeing, skijöering are also alternatives to consider. What kind of […]
L’hiver à la montagne ne se résume pas nécessairement au ski. Les Alpes sont un pays de randonnées et de promenades merveilleuses. Imaginez des sommets enneigés, des pins couverts de neige, des ruisseaux gelés et la douce lumière d’un beau soleil d’hiver. Et qui a dit que la randonnée n’était que de la marche ? […]
Lorsqu’on envisage de se rendre au Rajasthan, Bikaner n’est peut-être pas la première ville qui vient à l’esprit, mais elle n’a rien à envier aux célèbres villes du Rajasthan. Si Jaipur est la ville rose et Jodhpur la ville bleue, la couleur de Bikaner est d’un pourpre éclatant. Avec sa richesse patrimoniale et historique, ses […]
When planning to travel to Rajasthan, Bikaner may not be the first city that comes to mind but it has nothing to envy in comparison to other Rajasthan’s famous cities. If Jaipur is the pink city and Jodhpur is the blue city, Bikaner’s color is a vibrant purple. With a long, rich history and heritage […]