Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Articles publiés

Yap, l’île où les gens payent en Pierres !

Payer en Cailloux ! La Micronésie est un pays de l’archipel, loin et isolé dans l’océan Pacifique. Le groupe des îles Yap fait partie de la Micronésie et possède une monnaie très particulière: la pierre. L’argent en pierre connu sous le nom de «Rai» sont de grands disques de pierre, mesurant parfois jusqu’à 4 mètres, […]

Yap, the Island Where People Pay in Stone Money

Pay in stone money or the low-impact tourism dilemma! Micronesia is an archipelago nation, far and isolated in the Pacific Ocean. The Yap islands group is part of Micronesia and has a very peculiar currency: stone.  Stone money known as “Rai” are large stone disks, sometimes measuring up to 4 meters, with a hole in […]

Junko Tabei, the mountain pioneer!

Junko Tabei was the first woman to climb Mount Everest, the highest peak in the world, in 1975. Before her death in 2016, Tabei also became the first woman to conquer the “seven peaks”, the tallest mountains of the five continents: Kilimanjaro in Africa, Denali in North America, Aconcagua in South America Carstensz Pyramid in […]