Cathy Sahuc
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Cathy Sahuc

Articles publiés

Travel Asia – Zheng – He’s travels

The ships of the Zheng-He armada were amazing. They are the largest wooden boats ever built with masts erected on 120 meters long and 50 meters wide decks. To compare, the explorer Vasco de Gama’ ship was about 23 meters long and 5 meters wide. In the 15th century, the Chinese Admiral Zheng-He led one […]

Slow tourism and “puravida!” in Costa Rica

Plan a 1-month minimum trip to Costa Rica and favor slow tourism. Thepraise of slowness is trending nowadays, as time becomes a rare and preciouscommodity. The pleasure of taking one’s time, strolling in the markets, talkingwith local farmers, hiking for several days is a luxury not to be neglected inour hurried and modern lives. 4 […]

Slow tourisme et “pura vida!” au Costa Rica

Prévoir un voyage d’au moins 1 mois au Costa Rica et privilégiez le slow tourisme. L’éloge de la lenteur est tendance de nos jours car le temps devient une denrée rare et précieuse. Ainsi le plaisir retrouvé de prendre son temps, flâner dans les marchés, discuter avec les agriculteurs locaux, faire plusieurs jours de randonnées […]

No need to go to the moon to observe the stars, just do it from…Chile! Star gazing

Stargazing is one of the best activities to carry on in Chile. If you are passionate about our Milky Way or if you are looking for a total change of scenery, the Chilean sky is the place to be observed. “Change your sky, you will change the stars.” CHILEAN PROVERB Travel in Chile to see […]

Ecuador, the first country to recognize the rights of nature

In its constitution, Ecuador has recognized the rights of nature prove of an eco-responsible attitude; making it the world’s first green destination by World Travel Awards since more than five years. Ecuador has a huge portion of the Amazon rainforest and is one of the last bastions of South American cloud forest. It is one […]