Madagascar: discover the secrets of vanilla with Festiv

The Mangrove of Martinique in a new way

Looking for a sustainable activity for your vacation in Martinique? The visit of the mangrove is a must. But what if you visited it differently? A new gaze at the mangrove of Martinique Frontier between land and sea, the mangrove has long been synonymous with impenetrable swamp forest, inhabited by myths and scary legends.  However, […]

Elise Cabane

Wildlife tourism has a sustainable future

Elephant rides in Thailand, dolphin shows in water parks, snake charmers in Jema El Fnaa square. The animal experience in travel is a dream and inflates the likes on social media. Behind the scenes, the reality is less glowing for these poor animals exploited, tortured, condemned. This is the backstage of an unscrupulous animal tourism […]

Elise Cabane

Cycling in and around Copenhagen

Copenhagen, the world capital of cycling. Fast, practical and sustainable, the “little queen” is the perfect way to discover a city at your own pace. Cycling in Copenhagen is a real pleasure! The roads are well maintained and bicycles have priority. You can also find places to park them without difficulty! It’s even impressive when […]

Blandine Gil

Sustainable travel in Occitanie

As big as Ireland or Austria, the Occitanie region has nothing to envy to the vast expanses of Connemara or the summits of the Eastern Alps. At the time of sustainable tourism, where our travels are going green and where our travels are decarbonizing, our 100% Occitan team Flockeo helps you prepare your future sustainable […]

Elise Cabane

Podcast with Rémi Camus, committed and inspiring adventurer

One month ago, we had the chance to meet Rémi Camus to record an episode of our podcast “Le Vert à Moitié Plein” and talk about his future expedition: Calvi – Monaco swimming and in total autonomy. Let’s go back in words and pictures on this interview! Who is Rémi Camus ?  “Before turning to […]

Elise Cabane