5 eco-friendly gift ideas for 15 euros for a successful Secret Santa

5 eco-friendly gift ideas for 15 euros for a successful Secret Santa

“How about a Secret Santa this year? It’s that time of year again, when everyone’s talking about Secret Santa! Whether with colleagues, family or friends, in just a few years Secret Santa has become a Christmas staple. And it’s just another way of encouraging over-consumption. The Flockeo team invites you to give an Experience instead… […]

Elise Cabane

To combine travel and sustainability, we tried working remotely on the train

How do our working conditions affect the environment? What role do businesses play in promoting low-carbon mobility? Since the pandemic, remote working – whether partial or complete – has become the norm in many companies. Why not take the next step and encourage your team to work remotely on the train? This article is based […]

Elise Cabane

5 ways to discover local heritage, by Paroles de Patrimoines

Paroles de Patrimoines is the media for heritage in the Massif Central! Above all, it’s a community of enthusiasts, amateurs and professionals from the heritage, cultural and tourism sectors. Through our various communications media, we share a new approach of our territories and their heritage: young and dynamic, but most of all, more responsible, closer […]

Elise Cabane

A sustainable sailing trip in Martinique with Voile Nature

Create wonder at the rhythm of the wind, while reducing the impact on biodiversity. This is the objective of Voile Nature. In April 2022, Délice Nouel, supported by Lisa Roucoul and her partners, launched Voile Nature, the first website dedicated to eco-tourism sailing trips in Martinique.  You are in Martinique and you want to make […]

Elise Cabane

Industrial Tourism for sustainable corporate travels

How do we make a train, a tasty Roquefort cheese? What is behind the scenes of electricity production? How does a cargo port work?  Industrial tourism is increasingly popular and you may even be one of the 15 million French people who visited industrial sites last year.  So, how can we explain this phenomenon?  What is […]

Elise Cabane