5 ways to discover local heritage, by Paroles de Patrimoines

5 ways to discover local heritage, by Paroles de Patrimoines

Paroles de Patrimoines is the media for heritage in the Massif Central! Above all, it’s a community of enthusiasts, amateurs and professionals from the heritage, cultural and tourism sectors. Through our various communications media, we share a new approach of our territories and their heritage: young and dynamic, but most of all, more responsible, closer […]

Elise Cabane

Cycling in and around Copenhagen

Copenhagen, the world capital of cycling. Fast, practical and sustainable, the “little queen” is the perfect way to discover a city at your own pace. Cycling in Copenhagen is a real pleasure! The roads are well maintained and bicycles have priority. You can also find places to park them without difficulty! It’s even impressive when […]

Blandine Gil

Travelling in Europe by bike

“After a PVT in Australia and the shock of the fires that ravaged the country, I decided to change my way of traveling. My next adventure will be by bike and in Europe, to meet the actors of sustainable tourism: the Eurovélo project was born.” Clément Thonneau, founder of Xplore Autrement Europe, so far away, […]

Elise Cabane

5 tips to succesfully prepare homeschooling while traveling.

The desire to travel has never been greater. The global pandemic is pushing us to think differently about our lifestyles and choices.Encouraged by technological and digital developments, many parents are considering the idea of homeschooling their children. This idea is often coupled with the desire to travel as a family, far and wide. These parents, […]

Elise Cabane