How to easily get started with soft mobility ? bikes? How to include it in your travel dynamics?
And more particularly cycling? Adrien, co-founder of Morio, a company specialising in securing fleets of electric bikes, explains how.

Bicycle in the city, one of the soft mobility

In 2020, in response to the health situation, cycling has become widely available. More than 750 miles of new temporary bike lanes have been created to fight the global pandemic in major European cities.

If bikes seem to be more and more popular, how have travelers integrated soft mobility into their daily habits? The desire to move towards more sustainable transport is gradually taking hold in the vacation world. However, the least sporty among us tend to put off taking their bike. However, getting started is not so difficult when you choose the right practices.

About Morio

Adrien is co-founder of Morio, a company created in 2017. It brings together experts in securing bike fleets by GPS tracking through a unique technology and insurance. In particular, their insurance service allows to protect against theft and to find the bikes in case of theft or to reimburse them.

Taking a cycling vacation: a response to the increase in travel close to home

During the health crisis, many public transport users turned to cycling. Indeed, it is perceived as protective measures. In the last few years, the plebiscite for “more sensible mobility” has been growing with the rise of ecological awareness. With the pandemic, cycling has taken the lead over public transport and carpooling.

Since March 2020, many users have been won over and have definitely adopted this means of daily transportation. The number of bicycle sales has exploded, as has the need for repairs. But this phenomenon was already in the making. A transition from bikes was in fact started almost 5 years ago.

Revolutions rarely emerge from a single criterion, we must always consider the whole – Adrien.

In the tourism sector, on the other hand, a real turning point can be observed for the bicycle. By strengthening local soft mobility, the crisis has led to the discovery of new ways of getting around on vacation. It is a question of “spicing up” a holiday with new activities. They allow you to discover natural treasures, unsuspected in France.

Cycling: an environmental guarantee for your vacation

Cycling shows green indicators when it comes to carbon emissions. However, in order to hold all the cards, we need to look at its ecological footprint throughout the life cycle of the product (design, use, recycling). Although bicycles are the most energy-efficient means of transportation, their impact on the environment is not zero. Indeed, the assembly parts are created and assembled in China. This implies a lot of exports, and more and more bikes are being assembled in Europe, which is also socially beneficial.

Bicycle in the city, one of the soft mobility

Once the bike is in your hands, it no longer has an ecological impact and you can enjoy eco-friendly travel. However, an electric bike can be very energy consuming. However, they have a better carbon footprint than the car. Like the electric scooter, these new soft mobility attract more and more neophytes. It is a first step, gently, towards an ecological transition. 

To go further, it is possible to extend the life of a bike. Many second-hand bikes are abandoned in garages waiting to be refurbished. It is easy to find repair stores and even specialized associations nearby.

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano: a practice with multiple benefits

The environmental impacts of cycling are lower, but it also has several benefits for tourists:

  • It is powered by “renewable energyā€¯ : energy is produced by the body. No need for fossil fuel to move forward.
  • It improves general health: No more repeated chills at the slightest frost. Cycling strengthens both endurance and the immune system and helps maintain a healthy sanitary hygiene. This “hidden” physical activity could, among others, be an answer to the global health situation of our “sitting” society. 
  • Going beyond your limits can be done on a bike: Its practice thus presents a personal benefit, it helps to stay well in your head.
  • It has a lower financial cost compared to the use of cars for example. It allows to reduce the cost of the vacations.
Bicycle in the city, one of the soft mobility

Healthy mind, healthy body: it allows to reach the balance on the psychological level. In the open air, you feel better and your mind is set free. Cycling allows you to spend a precious moment where you find yourself (almost) completely disconnected. In a world that goes so fast, soft mobility allows to release the pressure.

A few simple steps to get your foot on the pedal!

Despite a change in collective awareness, cycling can still repel the least sporty. They are afraid to get on and put off the moment of getting on the bike.

  • Taking your bike with you on vacation: Concerns about theft are still a strong argument that can discourage use. By taking some basic precautions such as buying a “U” shaped anti-theft device, which is more resistant and deterrent, the problem tends to become less important. We also recommend that you park your bike in a high-traffic area, as theft is less likely to go unnoticed.

  • Foreseeing all types of weather: The fear of changing conditions can be prevented by investing in a rain kit: gloves for winter, rain pants, raincoat, poncho and overshoes. Kits are generally available in stores for about 15 euros and are durable. They allow you to practice in all conditions to stay dry.
  • Storing without cluttering up until your next ride: Not everyone has the space to store a bike at home. To avoid clutter at home or while traveling, there are folding bikes and “bike packing” methods to keep you in the clear.

  • Planning your trip with regard to sports: it is recommended to proceed gradually. Cycling is an endurance sport and it is thus important to be progressive. It is advisable to start cycling several weeks before your vacation to be able to anticipate it. And when you start on the road, don’t start too quickly so that you can extend your effort gently. It’s about taking your time and enjoying the scenery. 20 miles for a first day of travel when you are not very sporty can be a good start. The use of the bike depends a lot on the feeling and the slope. To adjust to the effort, it is possible to play with the gears, starting with gentle slopes.

You now have all the information you need to prepare your next green journey, on your marks, get set, go!